(((((Happy Dad & Family)))))
My heart is aching for you and your family. So tragic. You are all in my prayers.
got a phone call from my daughter who lives in florida a couple of hours ago.
her significant other who i chose to call my son-in-law (because he is the best thing to ever happen to her) got a phone call that his 6 year old daughter was killed in an auto accident near lake placid, florida and his 5 year old son is in very critical condition.
the ex wife is also critical.
(((((Happy Dad & Family)))))
My heart is aching for you and your family. So tragic. You are all in my prayers.
all went well with my operation.
very little pain and i can pee now.
i have to take it easy for two weeks or a little longer.
Glad to hear you are home and all went well. Rest up and get all better real soon.
so, i've hit this big ol' milestone.
am i a jedi or a wookie or an ewok or something now?
how's that stuff work?.
okay guys i need your help.
here is the story, i work in auto insurance and i have a client that has been giving me problems.
about two months ago this guy called in for a quote i gave him a quote and hoped that he would not like it and go else where.
Next time you talk to him just say "Dear sir, when talking to me please remember who will be taking care of your claim when you have an accident."
hi all, i am coming here to seek some help sorting out my feelings, emotions and try to put the million thoughts in my head into some sort of order.
i already did a lot of the grieving 5 years ago when i suspected so it is not as painful now that i know for sure, facts are usually not as good as what the wife with many lonely hours can dream up in her imagination.
this may get long, sorry.
I'm here and reading your replies but right now my brain is just to tired (foggy) to answer anyone. I appreciate your kindness and support. Keep it coming.
sad, mad, glad, the death of a love.
i had heard this so many times before.
mad stage 2sometimes the hardest to get to.
Something to think about. Thanks WLG.
she has something called, corticobasildegeneration.
yeah i know what a name!
its a disease that shrinks the brain, and there is no cure for it!
I am so sorry Buttlight,
That would be a horrible thing to watch. My father-in-law had Alzhiemers for years. Seeing them daily you often don't realize how far down they are because compared to yesterday they aren't much different but from month to month the change is much more noticeable.
It is so painful to watch the one you love still be there but not know who you are. It becomes a very long process of letting go. If there is a support group near you it might help you emotionally and they will have ways to best help your Mom. You need to protect her now by not letting her be alone and having access to things that will hurt her (cig. & lighter), maybe you could get her on the Patch to help her quit. If it was my fil we could have told him he just had one.
Take care of yourself physically and emotionally, you are in for a long ride. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Been there
hi all, i am coming here to seek some help sorting out my feelings, emotions and try to put the million thoughts in my head into some sort of order.
i already did a lot of the grieving 5 years ago when i suspected so it is not as painful now that i know for sure, facts are usually not as good as what the wife with many lonely hours can dream up in her imagination.
this may get long, sorry.
Thanks all, I got to get to sleep but he is acting weird. I have never seen this man in my living room. He talked more tonight then he has in 20 years. Think of the story about Scrooge waking up on christmas morning. If I didn't know better I'd say he was high. Ok now I'm confused.
hi all, i am coming here to seek some help sorting out my feelings, emotions and try to put the million thoughts in my head into some sort of order.
i already did a lot of the grieving 5 years ago when i suspected so it is not as painful now that i know for sure, facts are usually not as good as what the wife with many lonely hours can dream up in her imagination.
this may get long, sorry.
Thanks everyone for your replies.
Things don't seem so easy and clean cut to me since it did happen so long ago the sex 5 years ago does not seem to be the big issue for me. It is the constant lieing he did since to cover it up. That was long term and incidious. So long of trying to make me the crazy one, that was cruel to do to someone you say you love. With friends like that who needs enemies.
He seems really energetic about changing himself. He is taking control of getting counciling set up etc. since I said he created the mess, now he can put forth the effort to fix it, I will follow. Even if I don't stay, I am hoping he will be better for himself.
Sassy, don't waste too much time if you don't think it will work. It's not good to look back thinking you wasted so much time on wishful thinking.
Thegoodgirl. I remember your story. yep sounded fishy to me too. Keep up on that, it is amazing what they can do. So true about the power flipping. It could just be the honeymoon stage. Kinda like a little kid that has a clean conscience, light and airy. On a high. We shall see.
hi all, i am coming here to seek some help sorting out my feelings, emotions and try to put the million thoughts in my head into some sort of order.
i already did a lot of the grieving 5 years ago when i suspected so it is not as painful now that i know for sure, facts are usually not as good as what the wife with many lonely hours can dream up in her imagination.
this may get long, sorry.
He was never a witness. I was raised a witness.
You are right, I will never know for sure but he had never acted like that before and hasn't since. He no longer is away from home.
I saw something change in him this weekend. Like I said I watched him grow up, for many many unhappy years I felt like I was married to a 16-20 year old. I don't know if it is just that his concience is clear now (no thanks to him) but he finally took full responsibility for what he did. He wants to remain married to me and will do what ever it takes. I was free 5 years ago.........I just didn't know it. If after some counciling I choose to stay, I will be on my terms. I didn't kick him out, Why? The only thing different from Friday to Saturday was the truth...He went in a liar and came out an honest man. One is much better then the other so now we move forward, where? I don't know for sure but atleast we are moving. I will have alot of trust issues to work thru but will it be for the cheater or the the man that looked me in the eye for 5 years and told lie after lie to save his butt so he wouldn't hurt me? or both?